Frequently asked questions and video (FAQ)

A: Technical Articles

B: Instructional Videos

Metering Pumps:

To use the metering pump with a particular chemical, you should check the table of chemical compatibility, since not all the parts of the metering pump (head pump, valves, filter, tubes) can be equipped to work with the chemical that you need to have dosed. In case of having a metering pump that does not meet the requirements, please contact our factory and we can make the alterations of the corresponding materials.

No. The metering pump must be installed vertically, as the manual suggests. There can be only one shift of + / - 10% of its ideal angle position.

The dosing pump has valves for the chemical so that it does not flow back into the storage tank. But if the injection is at a lower height than the storage tank, siphoning occurs, which, by pressure difference tends to inject the chemical even while the metering pump is turned off. To avoid this, and if you cannot move the injection site to a higher place, then install an anti-siphon injection valve, which has a hastelloy spring to close the valve each time the dosing pump is not dosing.

You can perform a chemical cleaning, without contact between the cleaning solution and the chemical or its salts. You must have a container with muriatic acid and another one with water. First run the metering pump with pure water, and wait for it to be cleaned of all chemicals present in the hoses and the head pump. Then, install the metering pump in the tank of muriatic acid, and circulate this chemical through the pump for a period of 5 minutes. Note that at this point the sodium hypochlorite (or calcium) salts begin to fall off. Finally, upon installation of the pump back in its original position, you must circulate water alone one more time through the pump, in order to avoid contact between the muriatic acid and the hypochlorite.


If you have an instrument for pH, PH-C series, or an instrument of RedOx Potential (ORP - RedOx) RX-C Series, the calibration is performed with two buffer solutions (pH or ORP as applicable). Enter the CALIB option in the main menu by simultaneously pressing the keys “E” and “Esc” for 3 seconds.

If you have a conductivity instrument, CD-C Series, the calibration is performed with one buffer solution alone. You must enter the CALIB option in the main menu by pressing the “E” key. It is important to note the change in value of the buffer solution if the temperature is different from 25 °C.

Yes. All Acquatron instruments come with 2 relay outputs to command metering pumps (F1-MA; F2-MA, ML, and FD series working in an ON-OFF set). You can also command light and sound alarms with the same relays. Further, the instruments have a 4-20 mA signal output for recording and / or controlling proportional metering pumps in the mA-CP series.

Yes, if they have a BNC connector in case of PH-C series and RX-C series instruments, or a 4-pin connector in the case of CD-C series instrument.

The most common cause for this problem is that an electrical current in the system is not grounded. To check whether this is the problem, remove the electrode and calibrate it with a known buffer solution in a glass (off site). If the electrode measures within specifications (stable) when calibrated, place one end of a copper wire in the glass and the other end of the wire in the system where the flow is supposed to be measured. If the reading is unstable, then you have a power problem in the system. The source of the grounding problem can be an engine, water pump, a conductivity probe, or another electrical power apparatus. Do not place the other pumps’s grounds in the same place as the instrument’s ground. You can also try placing one end of a 12-14 AWG copper conductor in the system, with the other end into the pH controller’s ground to disperse the electrode’s current.


Each electrode is supplied with a hood containing a storage solution. If you do not have the solution, you can buy it at Acquatron, under the SL01 code. If the storage solution is not available, you may use tap water.

The standard pH electrodes have a 3.5 M KCl reference gel. Solutions with low numbers of ions have low salt, so they try to separate the ions in the reference gel to increase their levels of conductivity. This result is very low, slow and unstable with respect to reading a conventional pH electrode. You must request a double junction electrode with a configuration for low ions. Please contact Acquatron for details.

The electrode has a high impedance mV signal. A preamplifier can amplify this signal. Usually, this preamp is within the controller, but can be installed separately and even in the same electrode. Typically, cable lengths up to 30 meters do not cause problems in the transmission of the signal. If you wish to exceed this length, we provide a PREAMP1 power battery to ensure the transmission signal. Please contact Acquatron for more information.

The electrode has impedance that rises as the temperature drops. High impedance decreases the speed of response with changing pH values. This is a characteristic of all pH electrodes. As for the correctness of the reading, we provide electrodes with automatic temperature compensation. Please contact Acquatron for more information.

Electrodes age, increasing the impedance and making readings slow or erratic. Depending on the application, electrodes last an average of 8 to 24 months. However, applications with fluoride or very caustic chemicals can result in a shorter life span for the electrode. Please ask us about our fluoride-resistant electrodes.

You can clean the electrodes with a solution of hydrochloric acid (HCl 2 to 5%), which will dissolve most of the deposits.

Flow meters:

Acquatron flow meters were designed to measure only running water. They should not be used with dirty water, effluents or sea water.

Acquatron flow meters have a pulse output that can work with the Pul-CP series metering pump, or its pulse output can be used with a recorder to determine the flow and total volume that has passed through the meter.

An internal turbine performs the measurement and you see the final reading in the analog counter. In order to measure properly, the diameter of the pipe must be at least ¾ filled

Technical Articles:

The following are a series of articles about various chemical processes and water treatment usually involving metering pumps (also known as dosing pumps) and control instruments.

# Article
1 Alternatives to water chlorination
2 Applications of additions of chemicals
3 De-chlorination
4 Chlorination
5 Disinfection with chlorine dioxide
6 Chemical precipitation
7 Technology in dosing pumps
8 About pH
9 About RedOx Potential (ORP)
10 About conductivity

Instructional Videos:

The following are instructional videos on how to change every part of the F series dosing pump when performing repairs or chemical cleaning. They were intended for customers and distributors that cannot come to our facilities, and require repair or chemical cleaning for their dosing pumps. We’d like to clarify only by persons who are trained and authorized for such activities should perform them. If in doubt, please contact us.

# Video
1 Calibration of RedOx (ORP) Controller
2 Calibration of pH meter
3 Calibration of EC meter
4 Electrode installation in line
5 Electrode installation - Submerged type
6 Dosing pump - Accesories installation
7 Dosing pump - Diaphragm change
8 Dosing pump - Fuse change
9 Dosing pump - Head pump valves and connectors change
10 Dosing pump - Complete head pump change

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